Benjamin Harrison 1889-1893

This is an entry in my Presidential Rankings series. To see the most up to date full rankings, and where each president ranks follow the link here: Presidential Rankings

Benjamin Harrison became president in the closely contested election of 1888. Many consider Harrison an “illegitimate” president because he lost the popular vote, but if there had been a fair election in the south, where millions of African Americans had been disenfranchised, Harrison certainly would have won the popular vote, easily overcoming the 95,000 vote deficit. Harrison also has the unique distinction of being both proceeded and followed by the same man into office, Grover Cleveland. Harrison was unwilling to play the game of political patronage, where one would allow senators and party bosses to tell him who to appoint to various positions. While choosing only qualified candidates was the right thing to do for the country, Harrison lost support within the party, which cost him in his reelection bid.

Benjamin Harrison was the last Civil War general, but not the last Civil War veteran, to serve in office, that distinction goes to William McKinley. Because of his status as a war veteran, Harrison has been unfairly tarred with the charge of giving out exorbitant veteran pensions. Harrison passed the Dependent and Disabilities Act in 1890, which allowed monthly pensions of $6 to $12 for disabled veterans, their widows and children under 16. The value of which would be between $200 and $400 in 2022 when adjusting for inflation, barely the raid on the treasury that the bill has been made out to be. In fact, the Revolutionary War Pension Act of 1818 gave pensions between $8 and $20 a month to all Revolutionary War veterans, whether they were disabled or not, so Harrison’s act could hardly be seen as excessively generous by any fair minded person. These pension laws allowed nurses and African-Americans to receive pensions as well, something that was impossible before the Civil War. Grover Cleveland vetoed a similar bill in 1887 and is often praised for his budgetary constraint. Could you imagine a modern day president being lauded for denying disabled veteran’s modest pensions and another president being disparaged for granting them? The federal government had given out veteran’s pensions dating back to the revolutionary war, with the first act being passed in 1776, so there was a precedent for the law. It was also practical to pass an all encompassing bill, as congress was being clogged up with individual pension bills. Of the 414 vetoes that Cleveland issued during his first term, more than 275 were on individual pension bills. To put Cleveland’s vetoes into perspective, of the 21 Presidents that preceded Cleveland in office, they only vetoed 206 bills in total.

Harrison oversaw the passage of the Sherman Anti-Trust Act, which allowed the government to break up monopolies. Theodore Roosevelt is given great credit for being the “Trust Buster”, but without this act, he couldn’t have broken any trusts. Historians often state that the act sat dormant until Roosevelt became president, but it was used eighteen times before Roosevelt entered office.

The McKinley tariff was passed, which raised rates, but also removed some goods from the duty list. The tariff also contained a provision that allowed the president to negotiate reciprocal trade agreements as well as raise tariffs in retaliation to foreign rate hikes. This was the first tariff which allowed the president to adjust rates without congressional approval. In a political ploy, Democrats pretended to be door to door salesmen and sold silverware at overinflated prices and blamed the tariff. The ploy worked, as Democrats won control of Congress in the 1890 election.

The Land Revision Act of 1891 facilitated the creation of national forests and reserves, by allowing the president to set aside unused lands for public use. Harrison set aside 1.2 million acres for Yellowstone National Park and 13 million acres overall. This act was the building block of Theodore Roosevelt’s conservation program.

The Sherman Silver Purchase Act of 1890 was passed to replace the Bland-Allison Act, that was passed in 1878. Under the Bland-Allison Act the government was required to coin between $2 million and $4 million in silver a month. The Sherman Act required the government to coin 4.5 million ounces of silver a month. The average cost of silver was 92 cents an ounce during the life of the act, so it equated to the coinage of $4.0 million to $4.2 million a month. Though the Sherman Silver Purchase Act could cause inflation, by adding too much money to the economy, it is nowhere near the disaster that it was made out to be. Though inflation should be avoided, currency deflation is a far worse issue, and the act staved off deflation with the extra coinage of silver. Most economist recommend maintaining an inflation rate of 2% in order to avoid deflation, which is far more ruinous. The result of the act was that inflation was zero percent from 1890 until the Panic of 1893, but the act has wrongly been blamed for the panic, when the real culprit was the over building of railroads. The act would have caused inflation, not a recession, if anything. This is pretty basic economics, but historians are not economist. The government would subsidize railroads, paying them by the mile of track they laid, which led to the overbuilding of too many new lines in order to get the government subsidies. Inevitably the excess building would need to be liquidated, which would cause railroad failures. Banks had huge financial interests in the railroads, and railroad failures and their inability to make loan payments led to bank failures which rippled through the economy causing a recession. The panic was set off when the Philadelphia and Reading Railroad went into receivership in February of 1893, it was soon followed by the bankruptcy of the Union Pacific and Northern Pacific. In all, 157 railroads went bankrupt, causing over 500 bank failures.

Harrison was able to get most of his programs through Congress in his first two years in office, the only exception was civil rights laws. Harrison believed that blacks deserved a seat at the political table, and he tried to secure their rights, which were being taken away by Democratic controlled southern governments. There were three proposed laws under Harrison.

  • The Lodge law – would have allowed for federal supervision over local elections if enough citizens petitioned the federal circuit courts in an area. This Act was aimed directly at southern suppression of the black vote.
  • The Blair Education Bill – would have provided federal education funding. This law would have hampered southern efforts at using literacy tests to prohibit blacks from voting.
  • An anti-lynching bill – would have made lynchings a federal crime. Harrison was the first President to ask for legislation to put an end to lynchings.

Democrats in congress successfully blocked these measures with filibusters, which began the long tradition of Democrats using the filibuster to block all civil rights legislation until the 1950s.

Harrison also endorsed an unsuccessful constitutional amendment to overturn the Supreme Court’s holding in the Civil Rights Cases, which had declared much of the Civil Rights Act of 1875 unconstitutional, but no action was taken on such an amendment.

Attorney General William H H Miller conducted prosecutions for violation of voting rights in the South, but white juries often refused to convict or even indict violators. Unfortunately, Harrison’s work on civil rights would be for naught, and black Americans would need to wait until the civil rights era of the 1950s and 1960s to secure full rights.

The Judiciary Act of 1891, also known as the Evarts Act, created the U.S. court of appeals, establishing a court of appeals for each circuit. The court was created to unburden the Supreme Court from the dramatic increase in federal appeals filings. The act limited the types of cases that would routinely be appealed to the Supreme Court. It was the first federal court created to exclusively hear appeals of cases. The act also ended the practice where Supreme Court Justices had to ride circuit in lower courts.

In the 1870s and 1880s the domestic meat industry was subject to negative publicity as newspapers ran stories alleging that diseased animals were being slaughtered and used for human consumption. These stories led several European countries to embargo American meat, starting with Italy and Hungary in 1879, followed by Spain and Germany in 1880, France, Turkey and Rumania in 1881, Greece in 1883 and Denmark in 1888. In response to the embargoes, Harrison pressed congress to pass the Meat Inspection Act of 1890, which required the inspection of all meat bound for export. The law was followed up with the Meat Inspection Act of 1891, which required the inspection of all animals before slaughter and gave the Secretary of Agriculture discretion to inspect meat after slaughter if they were intended for interstate commerce. The Meat Inspection Act of 1906 built upon these acts by requiring inspection after slaughter. Even with passage of the new laws, the embargoes remained in place. Because of this Harrison, in conjunction with Agriculture Secretary Jeremiah McLain Rusk threaten Germany with retaliation by initiating an embargo against Germany’s highly demanded beet sugar. Germany relented and the other nations all soon followed suit.

Harrison is associated with the “Billion Dollar Congress”, which was the first peacetime congress to spend over a billion dollars in a two-year term. This is done to suggest that Harrison was loose with the government’s money, but eventually congress was going to spend over a billion dollars in a two-year period. To put the spending in perspective, $1 billion in 1890 would equate to $33.4 billion in 2021 dollars, the government spent over $18.6 billion a day in 2021. When adjusted for inflation, the government spent more money per day in 2021 then it did per year when Harrison was president. During the whole of Harrison’s term there was a net surplus, a feat only repeated by two Presidents since: Warren Harding and Calvin Coolidge.

Upon becoming president, Harrison decided that the United States needed a first-class navy. The Navy didn’t have any battleships and only had a few armored cruisers. Harrison wanted to build a two-ocean navy that could defend both coasts as well as shipping lanes. Harrison gave the country nineteen new vessels with eighteen more under construction. Without Harrison’s naval programs, the United States would not have been able to fight the Spanish-American War as effectively as it did or become a world power by the turn of the century.

The Hawaiian Islands sit almost in the center of the Pacific Ocean, giving them a significant strategic location. The United States and Hawaii had a long and close relationship before Harrison became President. John Tyler had warned European leaders away from taking the islands, and Millard Fillmore had kept France from annexing them. With the then modern navies using coal powered ships, Hawaii’s location became even more appetizing. In late 1893, the provisional government of Hawaii asked the United States to be annexed, and Harrison submitted the treaty to the Senate to be approved. Before the treaty could be ratified, Grover Cleveland removed it from consideration. Many have tried to blame the coup on nefarious means, but a congressional investigation, led by Democrat John Tyler Morgan, came out with the Morgan Report, which stated that the cause of the coup was the Queen trying to overturn the Hawaiian Constitution. This led to her overthrow and the setting up of a provisional government. U.S. troops were landed to protect American citizens, but the committee voted unanimously that the U.S. military had acted neutrally during the coup. 

The Samoan Islands are another area of strategic importance in the pacific, as they lie halfway between Hawaii and Australia. In early 1889, Cleveland sent a fleet to the islands to keep Germany from taking them as an imperial colony. Nature intervened, and a cyclone hit the American and German fleets, leaving them both wrecked and inoperable. This was the situation that Harrison encountered upon becoming president. The Treaty of Berlin ended the hostilities by setting up a three-power protectorate over Samoa, in which the United States, Germany and the United Kingdom all took supervisory powers of the islands. In this agreement Samoan independence and neutrality was insured and the deposed king was restored. This treaty was later superseded by the Tripartite Convention of 1899.

The Baltimore incident happened in Valparaiso Chile in October of 1891. The Chilean government had been overthrown in 1891, and the new government still had ill feelings against the United States because they were unable to secure arms in San Diego earlier that year. Sailors from the USS Baltimore were attacked by a Chilean mob, two of them died, eighteen others were injured with many more men chased by rioters backed by the local police. When the Chilean government made no apology or expression of regret, Harrison sent off a letter to complain about the delay. When the Chilean minister finally responded, he was maligning towards the President. Harrison readied the Navy and addressed Congress with strong words directed towards Chile. Realizing that Harrison wasn’t going to take an affront to American honor, Chile backed down and offered an apology and an indemnity, as was the custom at the time.

The Bering Sea Controversy regarded the wanton slaughter of fur seals off of the Alaskan coastline. Canadian and British sealers were threatening the extinction of the seals in the area with overhunting. Canadian sealers were engaging in open water seal hunting called pelagic sealing. The issue with this type of sealing is that it tends to kill nursing mother seals, which in turn causes the baby seal pups to starve. The incident got so dire, that Harrison eventually ordered American revenue cutters, known today as the coast guard, to capture Canadian sealer ships that got too close to the coast. The United States and Britain agreed to go to arbitration, which Britain won. After winning in arbitration, Canada commenced with pelagic sealing which eventually led to the North Pacific Fur Seal Convention of 1911, that outlawed all pelagic sealing in order to preserve seal populations. 

The first Pan American conference was convened in 1890. The conference was put together by secretary of state James Blaine, and it involved 18 western hemisphere countries. The conference established the Pan American Union, which was reconstituted to the Organization of American States in 1948.

Benjamin Harrison, while a forgotten president, was a very consequential one. He oversaw many landmark bills and built a world class navy. It is time that Harrison is known as more than just the meat in the Grover Cleveland sandwich and he gets the proper respect that he deserves.

14 Comments Add yours

  1. Harvey O says:

    > Could you imagine a modern day president being lauded for denying disabled veteran’s modest pensions and another president being disparaged for granting them?

    I could probably imagine it if the former were a Democrat and the latter were a Republican. The corporate media (and historians in general) have a tendency to be blatantly hypocritical in their treatment of the two different parties. When Melania Trump wears an all-white dress, it’s KKK worship, but when Nancy Pelosi does the same thing, it’s empowering and whatever. When Dubya cranks up the national debt, he’s a big spender, but when Obama does it, it’s thrifty and necessary. When Trump suggests building a wall, it’s racist, but when Hillary Clinton did the same thing in the early 2000s, it’s stunning and brave.

    Anyway, I like little Benji Harrison. He was also the first president whose voice was recorded if I remember correctly, which is pretty neat. The Gilded Age was my favorite period for the Republican Party.

    1. sdu754 says:

      I do have to agree with your sentiment. The federal response to the train derailment in East Palestine Ohio is 100 times worse than Hurricane Katrina. The state and local government was the issue during Hurricane Katrina, this time it the Federal Government and especially Pete Buttigieg sitting idly by. Buttigieg is the only transportation secretary that is widely known by the public for holding that position and it is all because he is constantly screwing up. The media should be eviscerating him and forcing either his resignation or dismissal.

      Gilded age presidents are underrated. The country went from being torn apart be the Civil War to a world power from 1865-1900, yet these guys get no respect.

  2. ThDustin293 says:

    Harrison can be considered a president with many landmark legislative achievements. I still find it ridiculous that a llot of people praise Grover Cleveland while criticizing Harrison. I used to misunderstand both of their tenures because of Ivan Eland’s book. Overall, Harrison is definitely better than Cleveland. If McKinley was the president who brought the United States to the status of a world power, it was Harrison who laid the groundwork for it. The only similarity between these two is that they treated Native Americans badly.

    The so-called “Billion Dollar Congress”, “Inflation Sherman Silver Purchase Act”, or “Protective McKinley Tariff” are really childish compared to current administrations like those of Obama, Trump, or Biden. All three have contributed to sabotaging the economy with large deficits, anti-free market subsidies, and anti-competitive tariffs.

    1. sdu754 says:

      When academics first started rating presidents, there really weren’t that many post-civil war Democrats to rank, so they placed them all relatively high. In Schlesinger’s first rankings, FDR was 3rd, Wilson was 4th and Cleveland was 8th. Academics also bought all of Cleveland’s explanations without giving it a second thought. It is Cleveland that blamed the Panic of 1893 on the Sherman Siver Purchase Act and they believed Cleveland’s story about Maria Halpin. Pre WWII historians also bought into the Dunning school of History, which spread a lot of Lost Cause propaganda. Is it any wonder that they would praise the one man who didn’t fight for the Union while disparaging all the presidents that did?

      Academics only care about spending and debts if it is done by a president that they don’t like. They never look at who passed the programs where the spending originates from either. When a study was done on Lyndon Johnson “great society” it found that the total costs of the Great Society programs stood at $22 trillion by 2014, which was more than the total federal debt, which then stood at $14 trillion. The study also noted that poverty was actually higher in 2014 than it was in 1966. Yet you never hear a peep about the out of control spending of Lyndon Johnson.

      1. ThDustin293 says:

        Most pre-LBJ presidents, I guess, weren’t judged on their human rights records, which explains why racists like Wilson, FDR, Jackson, or Cleveland received such high rankings. As for presidents from LBJ to the present, historians tend to score the good human rights record of the presidents they like (LBJ) and ignore this factor for the presidents they hate (Nixon). They are also hypocritical in praising LBJ with the Civil Rights Act of 1964 and ignoring his racist rhetoric and past protesting against equal rights for blacks (Although they assessed the presidents based on both their words and actions they did before they became president).

        I like Benjamin Harrison; I’m just uncomfortable with his awful treatment of Indians and his immigration policy. In some ways, he is often equated with the current Obama, Trump, or Biden administrations in spending, inflation, and tariffs, even though he is much better than them. Harrison is associated with the “Billion Dollar Congress” but he ran a net surplus while Obama, Trump, and Biden ran large deficits. I know they suffered heavy losses from LBJ’s stupid spending but they spent a lot. Harrison’s McKinley Tariff and Sherman Silver Purchase Act greatly helped the economy while Obama, Trump and Biden’s subsidies and tariffs only exacerbated US trade and international relations. Obama and Biden are two horrifying disasters. Trump’s tariffs have taken a toll on agriculture and he subsidized them, Trump’s lockdown measures and covid bailout have contributed to the US’s current economic turmoil.

      2. sdu754 says:

        I think the cut-off point for Presidents getting ranked on human rights by academics is Truman, as he gets praised for speaking out in favor of civil rights and FDR doesn’t take heat for his poor record. Academics do rank presidents they like on their positives and presidents they dislike on their negatives. I have pointed these things out in the past. Academics should be more critical of LBJ on civil rights, as he had an awful record before becoming president and made many pronouncements that show he was only doing what was politically beneficial. LBJ’s welfare programs also affect people of color adversely at a very disproportionate rate.

        Academics do the same thing with debt as they do with other aspects of a president. They only care about debt when they dislike the president. Obama ran up twice the debt that George W Bush did, yet I have seen articles that make Obama look good on debt and Bush look bad.

        As far as Indian policy goes, every president from Jefferson to Harrison had poor policies and or results in this matter. The Indians wars ended under Harrison, so at least that was a good thing.

  3. James.a.garfield says:

    I will add to Benji’s credit that while most of his civil rights initiatives werenr successful, he was able to get the Morrill act modified in 1890 with the creation of more land grant colleges. Its why the Tuskegee Institute exists from what I remember.

    1. sdu754 says:

      I didn’t know that he made the Tuskegee Institute possible. I think he did all that he reasonably could in the civil rights area, the Democrats just filibustered everything in Congress.

  4. Classical Cowboy says:

    In my view the Dependent and Disabilities Act is in some ways a net neutral for Harrison. A lot of people were helped, but the amount of money being spent on pensioners went up and up and up. By 1911 the cost of this program exceeded 4 billion dollars according to a history book I own, with no sign of ending.

    Cleveland thought that kind of commitment was a bad idea, possibly because he envisioned it quickly getting out of control?

    Enjoy your contrarian views by the way.

    1. sdu754 says:

      I would imagine that there would be some sign of the spending on a pension bill for civil war vets ending in 1911, which was forty-six years after the war had ended. Most civil war veterans were already dead by that point. That $4 billion would have had to have been the total cost of civil war pensions for all 46 years combined, as the government spent less than $1 billion a year at the time. Does your history book disparage the New Deal or the Great Society? Look at the ongoing spending on those programs. Does it only worry about the spending of certain presidents?

      The only argument that you could make against the bill was cost, but it was a big war that had a lot of veterans. Beyond that, many of those veterans were forced to fight through draft laws and poorer people were more likely to be made to fight than rich people.

      Cleveland was against the bill because it didn’t bestow pensions to Confederate veterans. I have a really old history book that discusses how the bill was “unfair” because confederates were excluded.

  5. charleshelliot says:

    Harrison’s a real hard one for me to place. On one hand he really is the precursor to Teddy Roosevelt and many of the things Teddy is credited for were started by Benjamin Harrison. Harrison walked so Teddy could run. With that being said the same goes for the negatives. Harrison’s imperialism paved the way for Teddy’s gunboat diplomacy.

    Additionally, when addressing Harrison’s attempts to annex Hawaii, you paint Queen Liliuokalani as being power hungry and the coup a necessity. The Bayonet Constitution existed to strip the Queen of her power and authority. It was a power grab and when she tried to overturn it, she was couped. This proves all of her fears were based in reality. You also forget to mention that King Kalakaua didn’t actually have a choice in the matter and was forced to sign it.

    I will say History has given him an unfair rap. Teddy Roosevelt, Polk and McKinley aren’t reprimanded for being imperialists, so I see no reason for Harrison to be. At least in terms of academia, his placement as an ineffectual President who got little done is in conflict with reality.

    1. sdu754 says:

      I would say that Grover Cleveland was the precursor to Teddy Roosevelt’s gunboat diplomacy. Cleveland frequently interfered in situations that weren’t covered by the Monroe doctrine, including two internal rebellions (Panama 1885 and Brazil 1894) in a border dispute between British Guiana and Venezuela in 1895, a dispute where a French citizen was murdered in Santo Domingo in 1894 and with Germany and Britain over Samoa in 1889.

      As far as the Hawaiian rebellion, there is no proof that Harrison encouraged it and the Morgan Report found that the U.S. Navy had acted neutrally during the coup. Of course the new constitution had taken some power away from the Queen, that would be the point of having a constitution in the first place. The constitution was also signed by King Kalakaua, so it was in place before she ever became queen. Imagine if the King of England decided to overturn the Magna Carta because it “existed to strip him of his power and authority”? I doubt anyone would favor such a situation. Having absolute monarchs is not a good thing.

      Harrison wasn’t a big imperialist, as Hawaii asked to be annexed after the provisional government took over.

  6. charleshelliot says:

    My issue is that the Bayonet Constitution wasn’t passed to liberate the Hawaiian people from some tyrant. Actually, the opposite. For starters, the Bayonet Constitution as it was called, made it so over 2/3rd of Hawaiians couldn’t vote, as it required voters have an income of $600 or taxable property of $3,000. Additionally, the King who signed it was forced to sign it at gunpoint. I don’t think the document had much validity due to the unscrupulous means it was signed.

    The document existed so foreign entities could take a stranglehold over the country. It hurt the suffrage of most Native Hawaiians. I think it’s very backwards to paint the queen as wrong for trying to help her people because it violates a document that was only signed because someone was threatened with murder.

    The Bayonet Constitution is not Benjamin Harrison’s fault. That perverse document was passed before he was in office. I will say the provisional government has any right to dictate what happens to Hawaii. They were in the wrong for couping the Queen and did so because she got in the way of their interests.

    I’m not going to get you to agree with me but hopefully someone else will read this and see both sides.

    1. sdu754 says:

      It should be noted that the previous constitution (1864) had property requirements to vote, and it also had a literacy test as well. The property requirements were nothing new. When Kamehameha V ascended the throne in 1863, he replaced the Constitution of 1852 with the new Constitution of 1864 to increase his power.

      The 1887 Constitution did transfer power from the King to the legislature and it removed language that implied the King was above the law, replacing it with language that the king was required to obey his laws to the level of his subjects. The constitution also removed the monarch’s power to appoint members of the House of Nobles, instead making it a body that was elected. The “signed at gunpoint” part was made by his sister Liliuokalani, who speculated Kalakaua would have been killed had he not signed the new constitution. Any Constitution that limits a leader’s power is going to be forced upon that leader. Queen Liliuokalani voided the 1887 Constitution as a power grab, and even as you point out, Harrison had nothing to do with the coup.

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